Spring 'N' Dale Private School was founded in 1958, by a mother who saw a need for a Christian day learning center for young children of working parents. She did not want it to be simply a playtime for the children, but wanted them to grow, learn, and discover the world around them with other children and caring teachers. The school is owned and operated today by that same family, and they take great pride in the tradition that has made Spring 'N' Dale Private School and Springfield Academy both excellent facilities for care, learning, fun, and friendships.
Spring 'N' Dale Private School is a three-classroom schoolhouse in Alexandria, just off Highway 395 on Edsall Road. The playground is equipped with sturdy and safe playground equipment and has plenty of room to run and play. The preschool program at Spring 'N' Dale is for two, three, and four year-old children.
Springfield Academy was founded in 1961, and it is located on five beautiful wooded acres at the intersection of Backlick and Edsall Road in Springfield. The preschool program at this facility is for infants (6 weeks old), toddlers, two, three, and four year-old children. Our elementary school program is for Kindergarten, First, Second and Third grades. Springfield Academy is also equipped with a spacious playground for the students to enjoy.
To a working parent or guardian, a child care facility is more than just a baby sitter. It is a part of the input to the child's personality development, early education, and social interactions that can shape his/her future. We feel that the most stable and secure environment can be developed for your child using the basic ingredient of the home - love. That is why we believe that the giving and receiving of love must be a basic function in our schools.
The students will encounter a variety of innovative activities to help them grow socially, mentally, verbally, and physically. The day's work includes a balance of active and passive activities, as well as, teacher-directed and child chosen tasks. As a non-denominational Christian school, we feel it is important to instill patriotism and Christian values in our students. Every day in our classrooms, student’s salute the flag sing a patriotic song, and say the Lord's Prayer.
Both of the schools are fully licensed by the state and county and are staffed with teachers, teaching assistants, administration, dieticians, bus drivers, and a maintenance crew. The state’s required staff to child ratio is dependent upon the age of the class; however, our schools exceed these requirements in most instances.
Our doors are open between the hours between 6:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. We offer a variety of different rates for your child depending upon the class they attend, and if they are in diapers.
To obtain a letter stating your yearly total for child care, please submit a written request to the office which includes the following information: your name, child’s name, and current address. Account must be current and all past due balances paid in order to obtain tax letter. Please allow two weeks for processing. For information regarding tax benefits, please contact the I.RS. or your tax representative.
A few items will be needed from the home to be placed in your child's cubicle and kept at the school. Please see a copy of the school’s supply list.
Infant and children in diapers are required to bring the following in addition to the above:
We do administer prescription medicine accompanied by a doctor’s note for up to ten days; however, a non-prescription medicine may be given for one day only. Parents must sign and fill out a medical authorization for all medication (incl. Desitin). Please include the amount and time it should be administered (e.g. 1 tsp. at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.). Parents must also provide a medicine cup or spoon.
All medications must be in their original container and labeled with your child’s name and the dosage amount. The medicine then must be checked in with your child's teacher or a morning staff member. Medications must also be picked up from the school after the authorization form has expired. Three days after the medical authorization has expired, all remaining medications will be thrown out.
Sunscreen, diaper ointment and insect repellent will be treated as nonprescription medicine with a longer term usage permission.
Please do not bring your child when they are running a fever or showing other signs of illness, such as, vomiting or diarrhea. When a child is brought to school ill, they run the risk of becoming more ill and may infect other children. If your child becomes ill, has a temperature of 101.00, or appears to be contagious, you will be expected to pick him/her up in a timely manner, or arrange for someone else to do so. Upon returning to school, your child will be sent home at the first sign of illness.
Parents must notify the school at once if a child or any member of the immediate household has been diagnosed with any communicable disease. A satisfactory proof of health is required before a child having a communicable disease may re-enter the schools. With respect to the common childhood diseases such as measles, mumps, chicken pox, etc., the recommendations for exclusion as contained in the communicable disease chart issued by the Virginia State Department of Health shall be followed. A copy of this chart is posted at the schools.
If your child has an illness/accident requiring immediate medical attention, you will be notified, and we will meet you at the doctor's office or at the hospital noted on the registration form.
Classes begin promptly at 9:00 a.m. Students enrolled in Kindergarten, First, Second, and Third Grades are required to be in their classes at this time. Preschool students are encouraged to be at school at this time.
When delivering children to school they must be personally delivered to the teacher every morning. This is for their safety.
All authorized individuals must have photo identification in order to pick up or access a child. Anyone who does not have written authorization by the parent to pick up the child will not be allowed to take the child from the school. Written authorization must be given in advance and must be without pickup or access limitations. Anyone not listed on the child’s registration form will not be allowed to take the child until written notification is received from the custodial parent. Virginia law does not allow us to refuse a non-custodial parent from taking the child unless we have a court order barring the parent from taking the child. We will attempt to delay his/her departure until the custodial parent can be notified.
All children must be picked up by 6:30 p.m. Late fees will be assessed at rates listed below. After 7:00 p.m., our staff will be instructed to notify the Department of Welfare of the situation if no response has been received from the parent.
Late Arrival - For parents arriving any time after 6:30 p.m., a $10.00 late charge will be assessed for every 15 minutes late and $10.00 for every 15 minutes thereafter. All late fees are assessed in 15 minute increments to be paid directly to the attending staff member. (Example: Parents arriving between 6:31 - 6:45 pay $10.00, Parents arriving between 6:46 - 7:00 pay $20.00, etc...) Fees are on a per child basis, regardless of the number of children in the same family. If fees are not paid to attending staff member, your account will be charged the appropriate fees.
Nutritious snacks and hot lunches are served at the schools. A monthly menu of meals is posted on the bulletin board and is available in the office at the first of the month. Special diets may be provided upon doctor's orders.
Breakfast is served at Springfield Academy from 7:00 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. for an additional charge of $50.00. This fee is paid at the first of every month.
Food or candy may not be brought from home except in sack lunches or treats for the class on birthdays or holidays. State Law requires that any food from home be store bought and prepackaged. Please notify the teacher if you intend to bring in special treats. Any food brought from home will be protected against contamination and spoilage. The food will be covered, refrigerated, and any unused food will be returned to you at the end of the day or discarded.
Each child will receive recognition on his/her birthday. If the parent wishes to send birthday cookies or cupcakes, please inform the staff a day or two in advance. Any items brought in for a party must be brought from a bakery or store. We also ask that you provide all paper plates, cups, and plastic spoons for the party. Parents or guardians may help in the classroom during your child's birthday party.
Field trips will be planned throughout the year. A field trip permission clause is enclosed in the contract, and must be signed by the parent before the child can be enrolled in the schools. Each trip is publicized at the school prior to the trip. Some of these may require a minimal fee of $1.00 to $10.00 for admission. Only children enrolled in the classes that are going on the field trip may attend. Children must be fully potty trained** to attend field trips during the summer camp program.
Primarily, redirection is used for the correction of inappropriate behavior. After verbal reasoning has been deemed unsuccessful, time out may be used. No physical punishment is administered. All discipline is in accordance with Virginia State standards 6.15-23.
Merit Education, Inc. reserves the right to dismiss any student found to be unmanageable with said disciplinary procedures. Parent(s) may also be required to discipline their children at school should other methods fail.
On days that are considered Snow Days by the Fairfax County Public Schools, we will make every attempt to be open with as many staff as possible. On such days, there will be no academic classes. Please tune to Radio station WTOP AM for school closing information. If the Federal Government closes down for weather we will consider closing, please download the Remind App and opt in using short code @5236SCHOOL for Springfield Academy or @snd6574 for Spring N Dale Private School for all emergency text updates.
Incase of any emergency scenario a preparedness plan will be available for parents to view.
Communication between the classroom and the parents is of utmost importance if the needs of the children are to be served. By keeping in close contact with the parent or guardian, we can know how to best understand, communicate, educate, and have fun with your child. We encourage communication between parents and school staff. Most communication should be brought to the attention of your child's teacher. However, additional questions can be referred to the center’s directors.
We ask that you keep your child's teacher informed of any changes that may affect your child’s behavior. Please let the teacher know if you see any needs in your child that should be addressed in the classroom.
We encourage children to bring in something special of theirs from home on Mondays, which is the school's Show and Tell day. It must be brought on Monday morning and carried in a brown bag marked with your child's name. No toys from home may be brought at any other time without permission from the office. It is essential that your child leave toys, food, candy, gum, and money at home. WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY PERSONAL PROPERTY ON THE PREMISES.
When withdrawing a child from enrollment at either Spring 'N' Dale or Springfield Academy, two weeks written notice is required prior to withdrawing. This is necessary for both the child and the school. Your child needs to prepare for leaving and say good-byes, and the school needs the two weeks to make final evaluations and collect all records for future use in your child's new school. In lieu of this two-week notice, two weeks tuition will be required at the established tuition rate.
Transportation for all field trips will be provided at no cost through the schools. Our bus is equipped for transporting the children and is operated by a properly licensed bus driver. Children have first priority for travel on field trips. Space will be provided for parents based on availability. Parents’ and staff vehicles may be used to car pool parents to the field trip locations. These same vehicles may be used to transport the children back to the school in the event of a bus malfunction.
During transport, all children are to remain seated and will only be loaded and unloaded with a staff member present at the door. A staff member will be located at the rear end of the bus near the emergency door at all times.
One week of vacation will be granted after your child has attended school regularly for six months. This tuition-free week may be taken at any time you wish, but the Director must have written notice two weeks prior to such vacation. One free week per calendar year (January 1 through December 31st) is granted. If you plan to be gone for more than one week, it will be necessary prior to your leave to re-register your child and pay the first week’s tuition to ensure your child’s position in his/her class.
Our infant and toddler staff centers their devotion around the needs of each child. The daily program includes fun activities that develop listening, perceptual, and motor skills through finger plays, creative movement exercises, singing, and rhythm activities.
At the time of enrollment for the infant room, you will be asked to fill out a schedule for feeding and nap times.
Spring 'N' Dale and Springfield Academy schools were not established only for the care of children while their parents worked (day care), but for the emotional and academic needs of their children.
Early learning research shows that we have greatly underestimated what young children can and should be learning. Small children are curious, and they are born with a desire to learn. We have a comprehensive curriculum, ABEKA, that builds both strong character and academic excellence. As you follow your child's progress through the year, you will be thrilled to see your child learn the basics in reading, writing, and numbers. We also teach patriotism and the true meaning of holidays such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter.
It is your choice to pay weekly or monthly. The rates are calculated differently. If you wish to change your payment method, please notify the office 30 days in advance to allow adequate time to make the change. Tuition payment amounts may not be changed without prior approval through the administration.
WEEKLY TUITION - The agreed upon tuition is payable in full every Monday morning, even if your child will not be present that week. Any tuition received after 6:30 p.m. on Monday must be accompanied by a $10.00 late charge. If tuition is not paid by the following Wednesday at 9:00 a.m., your child may be dropped from the roll and not admitted to the school until your payment is received.
MONTHLY TUITION - The agreed upon tuition is payable in full every first day of the month, even if your child will not be present for all or part of that month. A $25.00 late fee must accompany any tuition received after 6:30 p.m. on the 5th of the month. If tuition is not paid by the 10th, your child may be dropped from the roll and not admitted to school until payment is received.
RETURNED CHECKS - In the event that a check is returned for any reason the office must be contacted at once! Your child will not be admitted to school until the check, ISF fee of $30.00, and a late fee of $10.00 (for weekly) or $25.00 (for monthly) has been paid in full with cash or money order. Two or more returned checks may suspend check-writing privileges with Merit Education, Inc.
There will be no deduction from tuition for sickness, severe weather conditions, holidays or other personal reasons. Tuition prices are in effect from August 22, 2022 to July or until further notice. Budgets are analyzed on a yearly basis.
Effective August 22, 2022
PER CHILD | $150 |
PER FAMILY | $225 |
T2 | $30 |
N2 | $60 |
Nursery 3 | $100 |
Junior Kindergarten | $175 |
Senior Kindergarten | $200 |
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th grades | $250 |
SUMMER CAMP ACTIVITY FEE: | Activity fee will be determined in June depending upon the age of the child. |
BREAKFAST Springfield Academy only | $50 per month |
One Child | $ 454 | $ 1874 |
One Child | $ 380 | $ 1594 |
N3 –JK grade program | WEEKLY | MONTHLY |
One Child | $ 357 | $ 1475 |
SK –3rd grade program | WEEKLY | MONTHLY |
One Child | $ 315 | $ 1304 |
Monday through Friday | 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM |
Nursery 2 Program | $ 190 | $ 797 |
N3 & JK Program | $ 179 | $ 738 |
Military and Law Enforcement family’s Discount 5 %. Two children within the same family: 5% discount off the oldest child's tuition. Three children within the same family: 10% discount off the oldest child’s tuition and 5% discount off the second to the oldest child. *All rates are rounded to the nearest dollar.
Arrival: | All children are to be accompanied by the parent to the classroom or cafeteria. |
Til 9:00 a.m | The children have a free choice of activities, including block play, coloring, books, puzzles, manipulative toys, play dough, and/or videos. |
9:00 a.m. | Opening of the class. The children salute the flag and say the Pledge of Allegiance, sing a patriotic song, and say the Lord's Prayer. |
9:10 a.m. | Language Arts or social activities provide group time to learn about nature, activities of daily life, and Show ‘N’ Tell. ABEKA Academic Curriculum. |
9:30 a.m. | NURSERY 2 -JR. KINDERGARTEN-Art and clean up. SENIOR KINDERGARTEN-GRADES 3 - Phonics and Math, Science and Manuscript Writing. |
10:00 a.m. | Snack Time - Give thanks, served a healthy snack, concentration on table manners. |
10:15 a.m. | Bathroom |
10:30 a.m. | Recess - Outside or inside group games (depending upon the weather). |
11:00 a.m. | Quiet Time. The children are given passive activities to participate in, including stories and records. |
11:15 a.m. | NURSERY 2-JR. KINDERGARTEN-Academic activities, focusing on number concepts, alphabet, and phonics are taught through fun, innovative methods. SENIOR KINDERGARTEN-GRADES 3- Creative Time to focus on art, music, drama. Reading in a.m. & p.m. for 1st, 2nd and 3rd including SRA reading series. |
11:30 a.m. | Lunch for Toddlers thru Jr. Kindergarten. |
12:00 p.m. | Bathroom and clean up. |
12:30 p.m. | Lunch for Sr. Kindergarten thru 3rd grade. |
1:00 p.m. | Nap Time (Toddler thru Sr. Kindergarten) |
3:00 p.m. | Snack Time; Spanish or Music for 1st thru 3rd grade. |
3:15 p.m. | Bathroom |
3:30 p.m. | Recess |
5:00 p.m. till 6:30 p.m. | Children may be brought inside for quiet time and table activities such as games, coloring, books or television until departure. |
Springfield Academy | Springfield Academy 2022 - 2023 | Springfield Academy |
August 22, 2022 | First Day of School | Welcome Back! |
September 5, 2022 | Labor Day Holiday | School Closed |
September 9, 2022 | Patriots Day Parade | Dress Red, White & Blue |
September 13 & 14, 2022 | School Pictures (SA) | Dress Up! |
September 15, 2022 | School Pictures (SND) | Dress Up! |
October 10, 2022 | Columbus Day Holiday | School Closed |
October 28, 2022 | End of First Quarter | Report Cards |
October 31, 2022 | Fall Harvest Festival | Parties/Parades |
Oct. 31 - Nov 4, 2022 | Parent Conferences | by Appointment |
November 11, 2022 | Veteran’s Day | School Closed |
November 24, 2022 | Thanksgiving Holiday | School Closed |
November 25, 2022 | No Classes | Child Care Only |
December 26, 2022 | Christmas Holiday | School Closed |
December 19 - 30, 2022 | No Classes | Child Care Only |
January 2, 2023 | New Year’s Holiday | School Closed |
January 16, 2023 | Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday | School Closed |
January 27, 2023 | End of Second Quarter | Report Cards |
Jan. 30 – Feb. 3, 202 | Parent Conferences | by Appointment |
February 14, 2023 | Valentine’s Day Celebrations | Parties |
February 20, 2023 | President’s Day Holiday | School Closed |
March 22, & 23, 2023 | School Pictures (SA) | Dress Up! |
March 24, 2023 | School Pictures (SND) | Dress Up! |
March 31, 2023 | End of Third Quarter | Report Cards |
April 3 - 7, 2023 | Parent Conferences | By Appointment |
April 3 - 7, 2023 | No Classes | Child Care Only |
April 7, 2022 | Good Friday | School Closes at 3 pm |
April 24-28, 2023 | Stanford Testing for K – 3rd | Must Attend |
May 1-5, 2023 | Teacher’s Appreciation Week | Show Appreciation |
May 29, 2023 | Memorial Day Holiday | School Closed |
June 2, 2023 | End of Fourth Quarter | School in Session |
June 3, 2023 | Graduation Exercises | Bring Chairs & Camera |
June 9, 2022 | Last Day of School | Report Cards |
June 5-9, 2023 | School Picnics | Bring Goodies |
June 12, 2023 | Summer Camp Begins! | |
June 19, 2023 | Juneteenth Observed | |
July 4, 2023 | Independence Day | School Closed |
On Fairfax County Public School “Snow Days”, NO CLASSES will be held. If at all possible, we will be open for day care only. Listen to your local radio stations or Sign up for our text blasts to find out if we are open. Spring N’ Dale may be closed, but Springfield Academy will be open for all students if possible.
Please sign and return your child's report card, promptly. Call your child’s teacher if you would like additional information or to request a conference (Nursery 2, Nursery 3, Junior Kindergarten, Senior Kindergarten, First, Second, and Third Grades).
Keep this Calendar at your fingertips so that you will be aware of the school events. We are looking forward to having a wonderful year, and to personally meeting all of our parents. Please feel free to contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions regarding your child’s progress.
The Commonwealth of Virginia helps assure parents that child day programs that assume responsibility for the supervision, protection, and well-being of a child for any part of a 24-hour day are safe. Title 63.1, Chapter 10 of the Code of Virginia gives the Department of Social Services authority to license these programs. While there are some legislative exemptions to licensure, licensed programs include child day centers, family day homes, child day center systems, and family day systems. The state may also voluntarily register family day homes, which are not required to be licensed.
Standards for licensed child day centers address certain health precautions, adequate play space, a ratio of children per staff member, equipment, program, and record keeping. Criminal record checks and specific qualifications for staff and most volunteers working directly with children are also required. Standards require the facility to meet applicable fire, health, and building codes.
Compliance with standards is determined by announced and unannounced visits to the program by licensing staff within the Department of Social Services. In addition, parents or other individuals may register a complaint about a program, which will be investigated if it violates a standard.
Three types of licenses may be issued to programs. Conditional licenses may be issued to a new program to allow up to six months for the program to demonstrate compliance with the standards. A regular license is issued when the program substantially meets the standards for licensure. A provisional license, which cannot exceed six months, is issued when the program is temporarily unable to comply with the standards. Operating without a license when required constitutes a misdemeanor, which, upon conviction, can be punishable by a fine of up to $100.00 or imprisonment of up to 12 months or both for each day's violation.
If you would like additional information about the licensing of child day programs or would like to register a complaint, please contact the Regional Office of Social Services closest to you.
As a state licensed facility our staff are required by law to report any suspected child abuse to Child Protective Services.
Fairfax Licensing Office
3959 Pender Drive, Suite 320
Fairfax, VA 22030
By signing below, I hereby acknowledge that I have read, understood and agree to all the policies set forth in the school information packet, also acknowledging receipt of the same.